About HEAL

The Healthy Environment Alliance of Utah (HEAL Utah) has a track record of tackling some of the biggest threats to Utah’s environment and public health — and succeeding — by empowering grassroots advocates, using science-based solutions, and developing common-sense policy.

Our issues include clean air, energy and climate, and radioactive waste. For each of our issues, we take well-researched legislative, regulatory, and individual responsibility approaches to create tangible change and then rely on grassroots action to make it happen. 

Change occurs when everyone has the opportunity for their voice to be heard. By educating citizens, building their civic skills, and getting us all to consider our personal choices, we mobilize individuals to protect our families, our communities, and our natural world.

Understanding political, regulatory, and industry-wide perspectives allows us to navigate both choppy and smooth waters. By having a seat at the table, researching realistic solutions, and creating strategic, long-term campaigns, we successfully move legislation, regulatory measures, and personal lifestyle changes forward to guarantee a better, healthier tomorrow.

For almost 20 years we have fought to protect our health and our natural world from environmental threats, and we don’t plan on stopping anytime soon. Ultimately, we push for positive progress that will help our state and the Utahns in it prosper. 

Please visit our main website to learn more about HEAL and the work we do.

Photo by Ed Kosmicki/PhotoSourceWest